Bosiny is the creation of Alex King and John Railton, two friends with a passion for surfing, design and a shared vision for sustainable, performance surf craft that protect the oceans we love.
Our guiding principles? Uncompromising Performance, and Sustainability through Innovation.
First and foremost, a surfboard needs to work. We saw no point in making an eco surfboard that could not match the weight, flex and response of a high performance surfboard. That’s the Uncompromising Performance part.
Secondly, for a board to be truly sustainable, it not only needs to be built using sustainable materials - it needs to last a lifetime. So that was the kind of sustainability through innovation we set out to achieve. Our boards perform as well as traditional PU/EPS shapes, but they are far, far stronger – and more durable.
Alexander King - Chief Designer
A renowned furniture designer and sculptural cabinet maker celebrated for his conceptual designs and state-of-the-art techniques, Alex's 20+ years of boundary-pushing woodworking expertise is embedded into Bosiny's surfboard designs. See his latest work at
John Railton - General Manager
A skilled carpenter in his own right, John is a multi-tasking wizard who, besides working alongside Alex in the workshop, expertly manages operations at Bosiny.
The Bosiny Story
Who we are, what we do - and why.